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Quello che i nostri datori di lavoro e giovani candidati pensano di noi e dei nostri servizi

Fabio, one year later

One year later, Fabio is able to look back on his experience and how important it has been for him: "You get into this experience with a very nice first step which will make it much, much easier, so I think definitely yes, I would advide anyone to do that!"

Agata, Italian nurse

Agata, a young Italian nurse ready to transfer in UK to work in a public hospital.


Fabio's first testimonial on YfEj

Thanks to Fabio who accepted to recount his experience within YfEj initiative for a video realised by the European Commission for the European Year of Citizens 2013!

Marie (French undergraduate, 25 years old)

"Thank you very much to give to young people the opportunity to get an experience abroad. I love my job in Spain, I improved my Spanish a lot and my employer will probably contract me for a longer time. This program is great. Please continue. Thank you."

Antonino Di Garbo - MSX International S.r.l.

"MSX International is the leading global provider of outsourced business solutions and technology services with more than 70 years of industry experience and over 4,500 industry experts in 48 countries. The long-term success of our business needs talents with different expertise and background that are able to bring fresh ideas and points of view. The really international atmosphere and the diversity of culture, age and lifestyle give us a booster to meet the business need of the Customer and to supply best practices on time and with efficiency. This is the reason why we are looking for talents from all over the World."

Matteo Savio, Costa Crociere S.p.A.

"We joined Your first Eures job with enthusiasm as it is an active employment policy and it makes easier for employers to provide opportunities for young people to gain first hand experience of the workplace. Increasingly, geographical mobility is recognised as constitutive of most careers and business competitiveness. Europe has a long way to go in order to make such mobility possible. It is an ambitious task, and one that will undoubtedly require the active engagement of both the public and private sector." 

Città metropolitana di Roma CapitaleWith the support of the European Union Programme EaSi 2014-2020
Segui YFEJ

Questo sito internet ha ricevuto supporto finanzario dal Programma dell'Unione Europea Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). Per maggiore informazione: Il suo contenuto riflette soltanto l'opinione del Partenariato e la Commissione Europea non è in ogni caso responsabile del possibile utilizzo delle informazioni ivi contenute.