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How to write a perfect CV

How can I write a perfect cv? This is the most frequent asked question when someone decides to apply for a job.
There is not a single way to write a Curriculum Vitae but we can give you some suggestions to compose one suitable for all your needs.

  1. There is NO perfect CV.

You just need to start from the job you want to apply and personalize your CV according to their requests. Do not forget to point out your abilities, competences and known tools useful for the job sought.

  1. Not quantity, but quality

Recruiters receive many applications for each job position. Try to be concise but accurate while you write your CV. Do not exceed 2-3 pages.

  1. Valid contacts

Your professionality will also be evaluated by the rightness of your contacts. Do not forget to insert a mobile number and a professional e-mail (with name and surname).

  1. Avoid mistakes.

Review your resume more than once before printing it. Mistakes and typos reveal a sense of sloppiness. Recruiters could have a wrong first impression for this reason.

Write a CV is not simple, Bill Gates knows something about it. You must pay attention to accuracy and select the right information to produce a perfect CV.


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Città metropolitana di Roma CapitaleWith the support of the European Union Programme EaSi 2014-2020
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This website has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). For further information please consult: Its content reflects only the Consortium’s views and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.