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How to partecipate in Reactivate


Reactivate's main objective is to help European employers find the employees they are looking for throughout the EU countries.

Here are the four steps to follow to participate in Reactivate:

Reactivate adresses all private and public organisations/businesses (no matter their corporate size or economic sector) who are:

  • established in a EU27 country,
  • looking for European workers coming from a different EU27 country,
  • offering a job, apprenticeship or traineeship, ensuring pay and a written contract, with a 6-months or more duration (a shorter duration may apply for traineeships), full- or part-time (no less than 50% full-time equivalent), compliant with national labour and social protection laws and ensuring adequate protection and benefits.


Reactivate initiative focuses on workers over 35 years old. However, it is complementary to the Your first EURES job initiative, targeting 18-35 years old European workers. We can therefore offer our services without limit regarding the candidates' age.

The initiative covers all forms of employment (job, apprenticeship and traineeship), as well as all the EU27 countries. 

To participate in Reactivate it is necessary to register on EUjob4EU Platform. The Platform is unique for both Reactivate and Your first EURES job initiative and will enable you to access all our services.

One of our employer agents will contact you as soon as you register, in order to obtain information about your needs, present Reactivate initiative and procedures and offer you support in the definition of your vacancies.

EUjob4EU Platform will enable you to post and manage as many job vacancies as you wish and follow all the recruitment steps.

Your vacancies may be promoted through Reactivate website, social media and partnership to reach a higher number of candidates.

Once your vacancies are defined, Reactivate Advisers will pre-select within EUjob4EU platform the candidates best suited to your needs. You will then be able to check the CVs of the jobseekers and organise on-line or face-to-face interviews.

Reactivate offers you also the possibility to prepapre up-skilling packages for your candidates, and, for Small and Medium Enterprises, to receive financial support.

Since this is an initiative co-funded by the European Commission, our services are completely free of charge!

Città metropolitana di Roma CapitaleWith the support of the European Union Programme EaSi 2014-2020
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This website has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). For further information please consult: Its content reflects only the Consortium’s views and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.